Fig. 1.
Gas5 relative expression in CRC tissues and adjacent tissues, FHC and CRC cell lines. a Gas5 relative mRNA expression in CRC tissues and adjacent tissues; b Gas5 relative mRNA expression in FHC and CRC cell lines; c Gas5 relative protein expression in CRC tissues and adjacent tissues; d Gas5 relative protein expression in FHC and CRC cell lines; e Gas5 protein band in CRC tissues and adjacent tissues; f Gas5 protein band in FHC and CRC cell lines. *P < 0.05 compared with the adjacent normal tissues; #P < 0.05 compared with FHC cell line. FHC normal human intestinal epithelial cell line, CRC cell lines = HCT-8, HT-29, HCT-116, SW-480; CRC colorectal cancer