Figure 7.
SKNA during sustained VT and before nonsustained VT. The neuECG electrodes were placed on the chest to form Lead I and Lead II. A: Nerve discharges (arrows) are noted throughout monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). Signals simultaneously obtained from ECG lead I with the top panel representing the signal after 500 Hz high pass (HP) filter and the bottom panel displaying the raw signal. B: Similar discharges are observed in another patient preceding non-sustained VT. Signal simultaneously obtained from ECG lead II, the top panel is filtered at 500 Hz high pass and the bottom ECG is filtered at 10 Hz low pass. C: Pacing artifacts (downward arrows) are observed despite 500 Hz high pass filtering. Increased high frequency SKNA is still evident (upward arrow) beginning 90 s prior to VT. The bottom panel shows the boxed segment from the middle panel and the onset of VT. VT=ventricular tachycardia, ECG=electrocardiogram, HP=500 Hz high pass filter, LP=10 Hz low pass filter, SKNA=skin sympathetic nerve activity. (From Doytchinova et al, Heart Rhythm 2017)(47)