Table 2. Structure of RRMs used to test for I*E and G*E for Soay sheep traits.
Model | Question | Structure | Description |
3.1 | NA | Traitit ∼ μ + (Ageit*Sexi + bPDt) + indi + yrt + mm + byi + eit | LMM with heterogeneous residual structure |
3.2 | Is there I*E? | Traitit ∼ μ + (Ageit*Sexi + bPDt) + indi + indi*PDit + yrt + mm + byi + eit | Random regression model with heterogeneous residual structure |
3.3 | Is there VA for the trait? | Traitit ∼ μ + (Ageit*Sexi + bPDt) + αi + pei + yrt + mm + byi + eit | Animal model with heterogeneous residual structure |
3.4 | Is there I*E and VA? | Traitit ∼ μ + (Ageit*Sexi + bPDt) + αi + pei + indi*PDit + yrt + mm + byi + eit | Random regression animal model with individual-by-density |
3.5 | Is there G*E? | Traitit ∼ μ + (Ageit*Sexi + bPDt) + αi + pei + αi*PDit + pei*PDit + yrt + mm + byi + eit | As 3.4, with additive G*E |
All model terms are described previously for models 1.1 or 2.1 except for: in models 3.1–3.5, eit is the residual variance in the trait estimated in each of the four quartiles of population density; in model 3.2 and model 3.4, indi*PDit is the random regression of a first-order polynomial of the individual effect in the trait indi as a function of PD; and in model 3.5, αi*PDit is the random regression term for the additive genetic effect and pei*PDit is the random regression term for the permanent environment effect. Note that model 3.3 is the same as model 2.1, except that model 3.3 has a heterogeneous residual structure, with the residual variance varying across four quartiles of population density. NA, not applicable; PD, population density; I*E, individual-by-environment interactions; VA, additive genetic variance; G*E, genotype-by-environment interactions.