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. 2017 Dec 18;5(12):2325967117745263. doi: 10.1177/2325967117745263


Univariable Analysis

Characteristic Injured, n Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value
Yes No
Age,a y 0.979 (0.947-0.992) .009
 Female 95 88 1
 Male 157 109 0.749 (0.513-1.095) .136
Body mass index, kg/m2 0.961 (0.899-1.027) .243
Physical exertion at job
 Mainly sedentary 106 80 1
 Standing and walking but no physical exertion 66 50 1.004 (0.628-1.603) .987
 Standing and walking including lifting and carrying 60 42 0.928 (0.568-1.513) .763
 Heavy work 20 25 1.656 (0.860-3.191) .132
Duration of participation
 0-6 moa 29 59 3.687 (2.091-6.502) <.001
 6-12 moa 51 47 1.670 (0.983-2.839) .058
 12-24 mo 85 43 0.917 (0.551-1.525) .738
 ≥24 mo 87 48 1
Training days per week 0.898 (0.781-1.033) .133
Duration of training session
 <30 min 4 3 1
 30-60 min 140 109 1.038 (0.228-4.736) .961
 60-90 min 91 71 1.040 (0.226-4.798) .960
 90-120 min 13 11 1.128 (0.206-6.168) .889
 ≥120 min 4 3 1.000 (0.120-8.306) >.999
Training multiple times a day 0.997 (0.671-1.483) .990
Beginners’ program
 Mandatory 180 134 1
 Voluntary 44 39 1.191 (0.733-1.935) .481
 None 28 24 1.151 (0.639-2.076) .639
Strength training, d/wk 0.975 (0.818-1.163) .779
Skill/technique training, d/wk 1.035 (0.881-1.217) .675
Mobility training, d/wk 0.931 (0.827-1.049) .240
Participation in sport other than CrossFit,a d/wk 1.172 (0.995-1.381) .058
Warm up
 General 1.067 (0.668-1.705) .786
 Specific 0.963 (0.834-1.112) .607
 Static stretching 0.955 (0.792-1.152) .632
 Dynamic stretching 1.007 (0.889-1.141) .912
 No warm up 0.938 (0.731-1.202) .613

aP < .10. Included in multivariable analysis.

bIncluded in the analysis because of its significance in prior research.