Figure 3. Embryonic transformation of the mouse brain from a 3- to a 5-vesicle structure.
A, C, E. Structure of the 3-vesicle brain as shown in diagrammatic representation, H&E-stained sagittal section and gross image showing the prosencephalon (PRO), mesencephalon (MS), rhombencephalon (RHO) and spinal cord (SC) in a E9.0 mouse embryo. B, D, F. Structure of the 5-vesicle brain as shown in diagrammatic representation, H&E-stained sagittal section and gross image of an E11.5 mouse embryo. At this later developmental stage, the prosencephalon expands into the telencephalon (T) and the diencephalon (D), the mesencephalon (MS) remains unchanged, and the rhombencephalon becomes the metencephalon (MT) and myelencephalon (MY). The spinal cord (SC) is evident in the histologic section as two oblique profiles rather than a longitudinal column because the curled axis of the developing mouse embryo imparts a twist on the caudal part of the organ. Other abbreviation: CNP = caudal neuropore.