Fig. 5.
Assessing the relative role of self antigens and microbiota in T cell residence in SLOs. a–c 6–12-week-old C57BL/6 Foxp3-GFP mice were injected or not i.p. with 200 μg of anti-LFA-1 (αL) and anti-VLA-4 (α4) Abs. Forty-eight hours later, peripheral lymph nodes (pLN) were harvested and analyzed. CD5 (a) and Nur77 (b) fluorescence histograms of CD4 Treg and CD4 Tmem cells from the pLNs of a representative treated and a representative control C57BL/6 Foxp3-GFP mouse. Quantification is shown as means ± SEM with unpaired t-test on the right part of these panels. c–f 6–8-week-old SPF or germ-free C57BL/6 mice were injected or not i.p. with 200 μg of anti-LFA-1 (αL) and anti-VLA-4 (α4) Abs. Forty-eight hours later, SLOs were harvested and analyzed. c Diagram illustrating the experimental model. d Total cell numbers recovered from pLNs, mLNs, and Peyer’s patches (Pp) of SPF or germ-free mice. e Recovery of CD4 Treg and CD4 Tmem cells in pLNs and mLNs. f Recovery of CD4 Treg, CD4 Tmem and CD8 Tmem cells in Peyer’s patches (Pp). Each dot represents an individual mouse (unpaired t-test). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. ns not significant. Mouse clip arts were generated in (21)