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. 2017 Oct 10;27(4):328–353. doi: 10.1007/s11065-017-9361-5

Table 1.

Characteristics of included Studies

Study N Type of MCI/criteria Outcome Follow-up in months N progressors (%) Age of progressors M (SD) % female for progressors Education of progressors Neuropsychological tests included in the analysis Type of study
(Ahmed et al. 2008) 18 aMCI AD 12 7 (39) 71.7 (6.8) n.r. 11.9 (1.6) ● Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination
● Famous buildings, Associative Learning Battery
● Patterns, Associative Learning Battery
● CANTAB paired associate learning (short version)
● Graded naming test
● Animal fluency
● Trail making test, Part B
● Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination + CANTAB paired associate learning
(Albert et al. 2001) 114 QAD AD 36 23 (19) 73 48 n.r. ● Trail making test, Part B + Figures WMS, Immediate recall + Self Ordering Test, total score LP
(Anchisi et al. 2005) 48 aMCI AD 12 (median) 14 (29) 71.1 (3.9) 64 9.1 (5.0) ● CVLT, long delay recall LP
(Arnaiz et al. 2001) 20 MCI, GDS = 3 AD 33.6 (14.6) 9 (45) 64.9 (8.3) 33 11.9 (2.2) ● Block design, WAIS-R LP
(Babins et al. 2008) 8a aMCI AD 58.8 (13.6) 41 (50) 77.6 (5.7) n.r. 11.54 (3.6) ● Clock drawing test, 18-point scoring system LP
(Belleville et al. 2014b) 92 aMCI cognitive decline and AD 30.81 (20) 49 AD +10 decliners MCI (55) 70.5 (7.9) 60 14.5 (4.4) ● Macro Text, delayed recall
● RL/RI 16, free delayed recall
● Alpha span, items alpha recalled
● BORB, line judgement
● BORB, object decision
● D.O.80
● Combination Macro Text, delayed recall + Free recall of words + D.O.80 + BORB line judgement + BORB object decision +alpha-span
(Buchhave et al. 2008) 147 aMCI AD, VD and other dementia 62.4 63 (43) 74.6 (6.1) 68 n.r. Cube copying, total score LP
(Defrancesco et al. 2013) 60 a aMCI AD 18.3 (7.1) 31 (52) 76.3 (6.7) 77 10.4 (3.5) Combination CERAD word list recall + MMSE orientation LR
(Didic et al. 2013) 26 sd-aMCI AD 42 (22.2) 15 (58) 71.8 (6.0) 40 11 ● FCSRT, free recall
● FCSRT, total recall
● FCSRT, total delayed recall
● Logical Memory WMS-III, Delayed recall
● Logical Memory WMS-III, Recognition
● Knowledge Public Events, free recall
● Knowledge Public Events, total recall
● Rey’s Figure, delayed recall
● DMS48, immediate recognition
● DMS48, delayed recognition
● Face recognition WMS-III
● Combination Logical Memory WMS-III, delayed recall + DMS48, immediate recognition
(Dierckx et al. 2009) 31 sd-aMCI AD 17 (2) 7 (23) 76.7 (4.9) 29 12.7 (3.3) ● MISplus, total delayed recall
● Visual association test, total
(Eckerstrom et al. 2013) 42a MCI (GDS = 3) dementia and AD 24 13 (31%) 70.0 (6.5) 69 10.0 (2.9) ● RAVLT delayed recall
● Boston naming test
● VOSP Silhouettes
(Ewers et al. 2012) 130 aMCI AD 39.6b 58 74.6 (7.3) 33 n.r. ● RAVLT, delayed recall
● RAVLT, immediate recall@
● RAVLT, delayed recognition
● Digit span, total score
● Trail making test, Part B
● Trail making test, Part Bb
● Category (vegetables) fluency
(Flicker et al. 1991) 32 MCI (GDS = 3) GDS decline and AD 25,32+/−1,08 16 (50) + 7 decliners n.r. n.r. n.r. ● Object function recognition
● Object identification
(Gallagher et al. 2010) 182c MCI AD 26 (17.5) 75 (41) 73.9 (5.9) 53 n.r. ● Combination DWR, free recall + categoryfluency
● DWR-extended, free recallc
● DWR-extended, recognition c
● CAMCOG, total score c
● CAMCOG, orientation c
● CAMCOG, perception c
● CAMCOG, category fluency c
● CAMCOG, letter fluency c
● Boston Naming test c
(Gallagher et al. 2010) ● Combination DWR free recall + DWR recognition
(Galton et al. 2005) 29 QD AD 24 (5.4) 11 (35) 70.9 (8.9) 46 n.r. ● Logical Memory WMS-R, immediate recall
● Logical Memory WMS-R, delayed recall
● Warrington’s recognition memory tests, short recognition memory test for words
● Warrington’s recognition memory tests, short recognition memory test for faces
● Doors test, total score
● Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination
● ADAS-Cog total
● Category fluency
● Graded naming test
● Cambridge Semantic Battery, Picture naming (64)
(Griffith et al. 2006) 49d sd-aMCI AD 24 13 (26) 70.2 (6.7) 77 13.5 (1.9) ● Visual Reproduction WMS-III, percent retention
● Combination Dementia Rating Scale, initiation/perserveration + Visual Reproduction, percent retention
(Irish et al. 2011) 15 aMCI AD 22.4 (9.5) 6 (38) 71.8e (6.8) 38e 13.8e (4.7) ● Face name association task, free delayed recall of names LP
(Kluger et al. 1999) 71 MCI f (GDS = 3) Declineg 45.6f (26.4) 47 (66) 73.0f (9.1) 61f 13.4f (3.3) ● Guild Paragraph, delayed recall LR
(Lekeu et al. 2010) 34 aMCI AD 26.8 17 (50) 72.0 (5.9) 71 10.8 (2.5) ● Rey’s figure, delayed recall LP
(Marcos et al. 2006) 82 aMCI AD 36 38 (46) 77.6 (6.1) 68 84% <10 years ● Blessed Dementia scale
● CAMCOG, total
● CAMCOG, perception
● CAMCOG, orientation
● Combination CAMCOG global score + CAMCOG memory + CAMCOG perception
(Mitchell et al. 2009) 82 MCI AD 24 35 (41) n.r. n.r. n.r. ● Combination Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination and/or CANTAB paired associate learning LP
(Perri et al. 2007a) 190 sd-aMCI AD 24 79 (42) 73,2+/−5,5 56 7,5+/−3,2 ● Unrelated word list, immediate recall
● Related word list, immediate recall
● Unrelated word list, delayed recall
● Related word list, delayed recall
● Prose recall, immediate recall
● Prose recall, delayed recall
● Rey’s figure, immediate recall
● Rey’s figure, delayed recall
● CDR, mean sum boxes
(Richard et al. 2013) 181 aMCI AD 38.9 81 (45) 74.4 (7.4) 38 15.6 (3.0) ● RAVLT Total recalla ADNI
(Sarazin et al. 2007) 217 aMCI AD 31 (10.5) 59 (26) 74.8 (4.1) 54 n.r. ● FCSRT, delayed free recall
● FCSRT, total delayed recall
● FCSRT, free recall
● FCSRT, total recall
● Similarities WAIS-R
● Benton visual retention test
● Double task Baddeley
● Serial digits ordering tests
● Digit symbol test WAIS-R
● Stroop test
● Trail Making test-Part A
● Trail Making test-Part B
● Naming-Deno 100
● Letter (S) fluency
● Category (fruit) fluency
(Tabert et al. 2006) 115h MCI AD 21 (15) 35 (30) 72.7 (7.2) 60 13.9 (4.5) ● Combination SRT, total immediate recall + Digit symbol WAIS-R LP
(Tierney et al. 1996) 123 CI AD 24 29 (24) 73.9 (6.7) n.r. 13.5
● RAVLT, delayed recall + Mental control WMSc LP
(Venneri et al. 2011) 25 MCI AD 36 11 (44) 72.45 (5.07) 36% 8.64 (4.58) ● Category fluency
● Raven’s progressive matrices
● Paired associate Learning
(Visser et al. 2001) 67 MCI AD 60 23 (67) 70.1 (6.6) 52 10.8 (3.4) ● RAVLT, delayed recall LP

N, sample size of MCI included in the meta-analysis; MCI, Mild cognitive impairment; M, Mean; SD, Standard deviation; aMCI, Amnestic MCI including single and multi-domain types; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; n.r., Not reported; LP, Longitudinal prospective study; QAD, Questionable AD; WMS, Wechsler memory scale (III = third version, R = revised); CVLT, California verbal learning test; GDS, Global deterioration scale; WAIS-R, Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised; RL/RI 16, French version of the free and cued recall task; BORB, Birmingham object recognition battery; MEMO-Text, Text memory; D.0.80, Denomination 80 items; VD, Vascular dementia; LR, Longitudinal retrospective study; CERAD, Consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer’s Disease; MMSE, Mini-mental state examination; sd-aMCI, Single domain amnestic MCI; CDR, Clinical Dementia rating scale; FCSRT, Free and Cued selective reminding test, DMS48, Delayed matching to sample − 48 items; MISplus, Memory impairment screen plus; RAVLT, Rey auditory verbal learning test; VOSP, Visual object and space perception; ADNI, Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative; DWR, Delayed word recall; CAMCOG, Cambridge cognitive examination; QD, Questionable dementia; ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s disease assessment scale cognitive section, SRT, Buscke selective reminding test; CI, Cognitively impaired

@Data not included because used in another study

aData from convenience sample

bData analyzed for follow-up = 24 or 36 months

cSub-analysis was made for a subgroup of 106 participants with complete 3 year follow-up, N converters = 64 (60%)

dAmong the 49 participants, 11 converted at the 1 year follow-up (mean time = 13.04 +/− 2.1)

eDemographic data from all MCI participants

fDemographic data from participants with GDS = 1–3 at baseline

gGDS = 4 + AD criteria

hSub-sample from the total MCI population (n = 148) with mean time to conversion 21+/−15 months, n converters = 39