Ex vivo treatment of ID8-VEGF-Defensin cells with low-dose AZA decreases viable cell number, increases apoptosis, and disrupts the cell cycle. (A) Three or 10 d in vitro treatment with 500 nM AZA. (B) Total number of cells relative to mock; n = 3. (C) Quantification of c-PARP levels in AZA-treated cells relative to mock; n = 3. (D) A representative Western blot of c-PARP levels. (E and F) Percentage of annexin V+ and 7-AAD+ apoptotic cells. Representative flow cytometry data are shown (E) along with quantification (F); n = 3. (G and H) Cell-cycle analysis, determined by BrdU incorporation and 7-AAD staining of DNA content; n = 3. Mean ± SEM is shown, and significances were determined by Mann–Whitney t test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.