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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jan 5.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatrics. 2013 Feb 11;131(3):548–558. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-3769


Percentage of Births with Selected Characteristics by Race and Hispanic Origin of Mother—United States, Selected Years: 1990 and 2010 (Final) and 2011 (Preliminary)

All Races
Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black
2011 2010 1990 2011 2010 1990b 2011 2010 1990b 2011 2010 1990b
 <20 y of age 8.4 9.3 12.8 6.1 6.7 9.6 13.7 15.2 23.2 12.1 13.1 16.8
 ≥40 y of age 2.9 2.9 1.2 3.0 3.0 1.2 2.4 2.3 0.8 2.6 2.4 1.2
 Unmarried 40.7 40.8 28.0 29.1 29.0 16.9 72.3 72.5 66.7 53.3 53.4 36.7
 Diabetes during pregnancy 5.1 2.1 4.7 2.2 4.5 1.8 5.2 2.0
 Pregnancy-associated hypertension 4.4 2.7 4.8 3.0 5.4 2.8 3.2 1.8
 Health care utilization
  Midwife-attended birthsc 7.8 3.9 7.8 3.2 7.1 4.4 8.3 6.2
  Cesarean delivery rate 32.8 32.8 22.7 32.4 32.6 23.4 35.5 35.5 22.1 32.0 31.8 21.2
 Weight gain of >40 lbd 20.8 15.9 23.4 16.5 20.6 14.8 16.5 14.1
 Birth weighte
  LBW 8.10 8.15 7.0 7.09 7.14 5.6 13.33 13.53 13.3 7.02 6.97 6.1
  VLBW 1.44 1.45 1.27 1.14 1.16 0.93 2.99 2.98 2.93 1.20 1.20 1.03
 Gestational agef
 Preterm birth 11.72 11.99 10.6 10.49 10.77 8.5 16.75 17.12 18.9 11.66 11.79 11.0
  Early 3.44 3.50 3.3 2.87 2.93 2.4 6.01 6.13 7.4 3.26 3.26 3.2
  Late 8.28 8.49 7.3 7.62 7.84 6.1 10.74 10.99 11.5 8.40 8.53 7.8
Multiple births
 Live births in twin deliveries (per 1000 live births) 33.1 22.6 36.9 22.9 37.0 26.7 22.6 18.0
 Live births in higher-order multiple deliveries (per 100 000 live births) 137.6 72.8 177.7 89.8 97.3 46.2 76.3 39.4

Race and Hispanic origin are reported separately on birth certificates. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. Race categories are consistent with the 1977 OMB standards. Forty states and the District of Columbia in 2011 and 38 states and the District of Columbia in 2010 reported multiple-race data. Multiple-race data for these states were bridged to the single-race categories of the 1977 OMB standards for comparability with other states. Data source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System, natality. —, preliminary data not available.


Includes all persons of Hispanic origin of any race.


Excludes data for New Hampshire and Oklahoma, which did not report Hispanic origin.


Delivered by certified nurse midwives.


Mother gained >40 lb during pregnancy.


VLBW is birth weight of <1500 g (3 lb, 4 oz), and LBW is birth weight of <2500 g (5 lb, 8 oz).


Preterm indicates birth before 37 completed weeks of gestation, early preterm indicates birth before 34 completed weeks of gestation, and late preterm indicates birth between 34 and 36 completed weeks of gestation.