Figure 2.
Co-culture of HL-60E with cervical cancer cells increases the production of IL-8 and VEGF. HL-60E were co-cultured with HeLa or CaSki cells for 48 h, and the secretion level of (A) IL-8, (B) VEGF and (C) FGF were analyzed using ELISA. The data are expressed as the mean ± standard error of the mean. **P<0.01 or ***P<0.001 vs. CC, determined using a one-way analysis of variance; ###P<0.001 vs. HL-60E alone, determined using a one-way analysis of variance. CC, HeLa or CaSki cells alone; HL-60E, HL-60-eosinophils alone; CO, co-culture group of HL-60E with HeLa (black) or CaSki (white) cells; IL, interleukin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor.