Function of TSLP in angiogenesis by affecting the crosstalk between cervical cancer cells and EOS. Cervical cancer cells secrete an increased level of TSLP. TSLP stimulates the secretion of angiogenic factors (including IL-8 and VEGF) in an autocrine manner; however, TSLP promotes the production of IL-8 and VEGF in a paracrine manner. Together, the dialogue between cervical cancer cells and EOS mediated by TSLP promotes angiogenesis of HUVECs, and thereby accelerates the progress of cervical cancer cells. EOS, eosinophils; TSLPR, thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor; IL, interleukin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEC, HUVEC; HUVECs, human umbilical vein endothelial cells.