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. 2018 Jan 5;6:1. doi: 10.1186/s40462-017-0119-8

Table 1.

Coefficients of the best home range size models (linear mixed models), for both the 90% and 50% contours. The AICc corresponds to a model in which the target group of predictors was removed, thus being a measure of its explanatory importance. NS, predictor not selected

HR-90% HR-50%
Term Estimate S.E. AICc Estimate S.E. AICc
Intercept −0.086 0.294 −0.269 0.241
Season 90.141 58.017
 Spring −0.236 0.115 −0.200 0.082
 Summer −0.402 0.121 −0.438 0.082
 Winter −0.476 0.110 −0.461 0.079
Sex 100.294 55.974
 Male 0.740 0.123 0.582 0.097
Nucleus NS 38.772
 East NS NS −0.281 0.109
Selection-free movement 129.895 69.538
 Step-length 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.000
 Turn-angle 1.266 0.246 0.488 0.240
Selection strength 101.627 44.634
 Slope 0.827 0.194 0.504 0.141
 Slope2 2.306 0.544 1.261 0.422
 Heat-load2 1.645 0.373 0.780 0.273
Resource availability 89.837 39.586
 Heat load (CV) 4.252 1.637 4.070 1.390
 NDVI (CV) 0.457 0.163 NS NS