Fig. 2.
Effects of combined treatment with JQ1 and Romidepsin on proliferation and clonogenic growth of UCCs. a Combination index (CI/Fa) plots for the combination of JQ1 and Romidepsin. Cell viability was measured at five constant dose ratio experimental data points by ATP assay after 72-h treatment. CI plots were then generated using CompuSyn software. CI < 1 indicates synergism. Benign HBLAK cells were compared to four UCCs. b Clonogenicity assay following treatment for 48 h with JQ1, Romidepsin, or both compounds compared to DMSO as indicated in Table 1 (lower part). c Quantification of colony counts from clonogenicity assays. Differences between control and treated cells were analyzed using Student’s t test (**p ≤ 0.01, *p ≤ 0.05). d Flow cytometric cell cycle analyses following the indicated treatment for 48 h in four different UCCs and in HBLAK cells. See Additional file 3 for cell numbers in the respective cell cycle phases