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. 2018 Jan 4;44:3. doi: 10.1186/s13052-017-0440-2

Table 2.

IgE, EO and selected characteristics of the 108 adoptive children attending the International Adoption Unit at Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy between September 2012 and July 2016 - estimated Z-scores from the multivariate probit model (NI: variable not included in the multivariate analysis because - not significant at the univariate analysis, −excluded by stepwise algorithm, 95%CI: 95% confidence intervals)

ALL Total IgE levels Eosinophil counts
N col% N row% p coef (95%CI) p N row% p coef (95%CI) p
country of origin 0.159 NI 0.370 NI
 africa 24 22.22 14 73.68 3 13.64
 latin america 14 12.96 5 45.45 1 7.69
 asia 15 13.89 5 50.00 1 6.67
 eastern europe 52 48.15 22 52.38 4 7.69
 missing 3 2.78 2 66.67 0 0.00
sex 0.764 NI 0.103
 F 41 37.96 18 54.55 1 2.56 ref
 M 67 62.04 30 57.69 8 12.12 0.64 (−0.19; 1.46) 0.131
age, years 0.249 NI 0.312 NI
  < 3 26 24.07 8 44.44 1 3.85
 3–5 36 33.33 17 60.71 4 11.76
 6+ 45 41.67 23 60.53 4 9.09
 missing 1 0.93 0 0.00 0 0.00
poor growth by age & sex 0.959 NI 0.558 NI
 no 16 14.81 8 57.14 2 12.5
 yes 92 85.19 40 56.34 7 7.87
stool parasites 0.183 0.367 NI
 no 84 77.78 33 51.56 ref 6 7.32
 yes 23 21.3 15 71.43 0.52 (−0.33; 1.37) 0.228 3 13.64
 missing 1 0.93 0 0.00 0 0.00
vaccination card 0.449 NI 0.488 NI
 no 48 44.44 23 62.16 5 10.64
 yes 60 55.56 25 52.08 4 6.90