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. 2018 Jan 5;4(1):00073-2017. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00073-2017


Demographics and baseline characteristics (intent-to-treat population)

Subjects 198
Age years 60.7±9.5
Male 104 (53)
 White 179 (90)
 African-American or African heritage 19 (10)
Current smoker at screening 127 (64)
Smoking pack-years 52.2±23.5
Pre-salbutamol FEV1 L 1.37±0.50
Post-salbutamol FEV1 L 1.52±0.49
Post-salbutamol FEV1/FVC 51.3±9.79
Post-salbutamol FEV1 % pred 50.5±10.5
Inspiratory capacity L 2.13±0.72
Functional residual capacity L 4.67±1.03
Functional residual capacity % pred 147±22.9
Residual volume L 3.88±0.92
Total lung capacity L 6.79±1.40
Reversible to salbutamol# 73 (37)
ICS user 55 (28)
GOLD grade
 2 106 (54)
 3 92 (46)
GOLD category using mMRC criteria
 B 94 (47)
 D 104 (53)
mMRC Dyspnoea scale 2.5±0.6

Data are presented as n, mean±sd or n (%). FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC: forced vital capacity; ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; GOLD: Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; mMRC: modified Medical Research Council. #: defined as an increase in FEV1 of ≥12% and ≥200 mL following administration of salbutamol.