Fig 3. Median joining network of combined cyt b and d-loop sequences (256 bp) showing lineage affiliations of ancient and modern red deer from the Vosges compared to published ancient and modern sequences from the European range of red deer.
The networks includes ancient red deer (haplotypes of the A clade from the Vosges (AM235 = orange; AM6 = white), modern red deer from the Vosges (red = AM1, yellow = AM2, dark blue = AM3, green = AM4, grey = AM5), published western-central European ancient and modern haplotypes from the A and C clades (modern A clade = grey blue, modern C clade = olive, ancient A clade = light green, ancient C clade = light blue; data from [10]. The size of the circles are proportional to the number of individuals, dashes indicate mutational steps.