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. 2017 Dec 12;36(1):22–40. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.17051

Table 1. Etiological factors that may be involved in the pathophysiology of delayed ejaculation and anejaculation.

I. Psychosexual and psychosocial factors II. Organic and biological factors
a. Fears: Aging
 - Fear of pregnancy and fertility issues
 - Fear of castration and death
 - Fear of annihilation associated with loss of semen
 - Fear of loss of control
 - Fear of exposure and subsequent shame concerning the problem
 - Fears of abandonment/rejection
 - Fears of intimacy and loss of autonomy
 - Fears of hurting/defiling the partner
 - Fear of retaliation by the female or by other males
 - Success phobia
b. Sexual orientation conflicts Genetic factors (see Table 2)
c. Hostility and resentment Neurobiological factors
d. Obsessive-compulsive personality traits Congenital anatomical factors:
 • Müllerian duct cyst
 • Wolffian duct abnormalities
 • Prune belly syndrome
 • Posterior urethral valves
 • Complete male epispadias
 • Bladder exstrophy
 • Sacral Tarlov cyst
 • Imperforate anus
 • Seminal megavesicle
e. Performance anxiety Neurogenic causes:
 • Diabetic autonomic neuropathy
 • Multiple sclerosis
 • Spinal cord injury
 • Radical prostatectomy
 • Pelvic radiation therapy
 • Proctocolectomy
 • Bilateral sympathectomy
 • Abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy
 • Para-aortic lymphadenectomy.
 • Pelvic fracture-urethral distraction defect injury
 • Adult circumcision
f. Lack of self-assertion Infection/inflammation:
 - Urethritis
 - Genitourinary tuberculosis
 - Schistosomiasis
 - Prostatitis
 - Orchitis
 - Orchialgia in testis cancer survivors
g. An unwillingness to give of oneself in love Endocrine:
 - Hypogonadism
 - Hypothyroidism
 - Hyperprolactinemia
h. Strong religious convictions, leading to guilt Medications (Table 3)
i. Autosexual orientation:
 - Positive reinforcement associated with self-masturbation
j. Unusual masturbation techniques:
 - High-frequency masturbation
 - Idiosyncratic and vigorous masturbation style
 - Disparity between the reality of sex with a partner and preferred sexual fantasy during masturbation
k. Relationship factors:
 - Disparity between fantasy and partner
 - Partner sexual dysfunction
l. Diminished sexual desire
m. Insufficient sexual arousal and female sexual dysfunction
n. Depression and other psychiatric diseases