Repolarization abnormalities and arrhythmogenesis |
ST depression repolarization |
Increased QT interval |
QT dispersion |
T-wave flattening and inversion |
Biphasic T-waves |
Complex ventricular arrhythmias |
Outflow tract alternating with papillary muscle or fascicular region |
Diseased Purkinje tissue |
MVP-related features |
Excessive papillary muscles traction by the prolapsing leaflets |
Mechanical endocardial stimulation by the elongated chordae |
Endocardial friction lesions in the left ventricle by the chordae |
Mitral valve structural alterations |
Mitral annulus dilatation |
Elongated mitral leaflet |
Mitral annular disjunction |
Annulus hypermobility |
Bileaflet prolapse |
Extravalvular factors |
Autonomic nervous system dysfunction |
Conduction system abnormalities |
Fibromuscular dysplasia of small coronary arteries |
Occult cardiomyopathies |
Ventricular substrates |
Left ventricular fibrosis at the level of papillary muscles and basal posterolateral segment |
Aortic mitral continuity |
Aortic sinuses of Valsalva |
Suprapulmonary valve ectopics triggering polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and the atrioventricular valve annuli |
Acute mitral regurgitation and cardiogenic pulmonary edema |
Primary spontaneous chordal rupture |