Overexpressing LHC Genes Causes Seedling Lethal Photooxidation upon Light Exposure.
(A) to (C) Representative images of cotyledons (A) and greening rates ([B] and [C]) of wild-type, ein3 eil1, LHCB1.1-ox, and LHCB2.1-ox seedlings. The seedlings were grown in the dark for 5 ([A] and [B]) or 6 (C) d and then transferred to white light exposure for additional 2 d. Error bars represent average value ± se (n = 3) from three independent biological replicates.
(D) Representative fluorescence images of ROS (stained by H2DCFDA) and chlorophyll in wild-type, ein3 eil1, LHCB1.1-ox, and LHCB2.1-ox seedlings. The seedlings were grown in the dark for 5 d and then transferred to white light for additional 2 d.