Reduced atherosclerotic lesion size in the aortic arch following mTOR
attenuation. Overall aortic arch lesion area (a) in HFD-fed
LDLR−/− female (left panel), male (center panel) and
both female and male (right panel) mice were significantly reduced
following either 20 or 30 weeks of rapamycin treatment (*, two-way
ANOVA F(1,34) = 11.69, p = 0.002) n = 6–8/group;
(b) Reduced lesion area by rapamycin treatment in the aortic root of
female mice after, but not prior to, the onset of lesion formation
(left panel, quantitative analyses of anatomical data; right panel,
representative images (oil red o (ORO), haemotoxylin and eosin
(H&E)). Student’s unpaired t test, *,
p = 0.026), n = 12/group (c) No difference in
male but significantly reduced left ventricle mass in female
LDLR −/− mice treated with rapamycin (*, two-way
ANOVA F(1,28) = 10.30, p = 0.029), n = 8/group.
Data are means ± SEM.