(Color online) (Left): Speech understanding scores (in RAUs) for IEEE sentences are presented as a function of spectral resolution. The far left panel shows results for YNH participants (circles), and the middle panel shows results for ONH participants (triangles). Black symbols represent performance in SG conditions, gray symbols represent performance in NBBV conditions, and white symbols represent performance in NBAV or NB conditions. Asterisks indicate a significant increase in performance between SG conditions and respective NB conditions, as determined by paired samples t-tests corrected for multiple comparisons. (Right) PR benefits (in RAUs) for IEEE sentences are presented as a function of spectral resolution and NB condition, for YNH (black circles) and ONH (red triangles) participants. Solid symbols indicate group averages with standard error bars. Open symbols indicate individual data. Positive values indicate that participants obtained better speech understanding with NB-interrupted speech compared to SG-interrupted speech.