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. 2018 Jan 8;143(1):84–97. doi: 10.1121/1.5016968


Final LME model for the vocoded BKB sentences condition. Bolded rows indicate significant fixed terms (α = 0.05).

Fixed effects Coefficient SE t p
Intercept 59.13 4.79 12.34 <0.001
Age (0 = YNH, 1 = ONH) −26.43 5.68 −4.65 <0.001
Interruption: (0 = SG, 1 = NBBV) 5.22 4.77 1.09 0.28
 (0 = SG, 2 = NBAV) 20.92 5.37 3.90 <0.001
Spectral resolution (0 = 32-c, 1 = 16-c) −18.14 3.20 −5.68 <0.001
Linguistic skill (grand-mean centered) 0.82 0.70 1.17 0.25
Working memory (grand-mean centered) 0.02 0.35 0.07 0.95
Age × Interruption: (NBBV) 19.33 6.61 3.07 0.003
 (NBAV) 7.37 7.31 1.01 0.32
Working memory × Interruption: (NBBV) 0.91 0.38 2.39 0.019
 (NBAV) 0.32 0.45 0.71 0.48
Linguistic skill × Interruption: (NBBV) −0.60 0.85 −0.71 0.48
  (NBAV) 0.22 0.93 0.24 0.81
Spectral resolution × Interruption: (NBBV) −4.72 4.55 −1.04 0.30
 (NBAV) −7.15 4.52 −1.58 0.11
Spectral resolution × Linguistic skill −1.39 0.75 −1.85 0.06
Spectral resolution × Linguistic skill × Interruption: (NBBV) 1.84 1.07 1.73 0.08
  (NBAV) 2.34 1.07 2.19 0.028
Random effects Variance SD
Item (intercept) 731.2 27.0
Subject (intercept) 84.0 9.2
Subject—Interruption: (NBBV) 39.1 6.3
 (NBAV) 109.5 10.5
Residual 1871.0 43.3