Figure 1.
TRAF2 enhances breast cancer tumour cell growth in vitro and in vivo. (A,B) In vitro cell migration of parental human MDA-231 (MDA-P) cells overexpressing (MDA-P-T2OE) and deficient (MDA-P-T2KD1 and T2KD2) in TRAF2 or their control (MDA-mock) after 6 hours as assessed by wound healing assay. Representative photomicrographs from the experiment described are shown in panel B. (C,D) In vitro cell invasion of parental MDA overexpressing TRAF2 (MDA-P-T2OE) cells or their control (MDA-Pmock). Representative photomicrographs from the experiment described are shown in panel D. (E) In vitro cell viability of parental human MDA-P cells overexpressing (MDA-P-T2OE) and deficient (MDA-P-T2KD1 and T2KD2) in TRAF2 or their control (MDA-mock) after 48 hours as assessed by AlamarBlue assays. (F) Graphic representation of orthotropic injection of parental human MDA-231 overexpressing TRAF2 cells into the mammary fat pads of adult mice (n = 7, 55 days). (G) In vivo tumour growth from the experiment described in panel F. (H) Percentage bone metastases from the experiment described in panel F. **p < 0.01.