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Proportion of women aged 35–64 and 30–64 years at diagnosis for cervical cancer in China, 2000–2014

Year Aged 35−64 years (%) Age-standardized 35−64 years (%) Aged 30−64 years (%) Age-standardized 30−64 years (%)
All areas Urban Rural All areas Urban Rural All areas Urban Rural All areas Urban Rural
Δ, annual change of age percentage; *, Δ is significantly different from zero (P<0.05).
2000 61.00 59.43 68.33 64.99 63.24 72.35 67.21 65.35 75.83 70.90 69.18 78.24
2001 62.29 61.98 64.13 65.50 64.73 68.81 70.17 70.27 69.57 73.17 73.21 73.09
2002 66.55 66.14 68.75 67.76 66.64 72.22 74.33 74.64 72.66 75.39 75.38 75.38
2003 70.03 70.56 66.88 71.56 71.43 70.28 79.64 80.82 72.73 81.51 82.51 75.11
2004 71.10 71.59 67.22 71.52 71.11 71.46 81.70 82.74 73.33 82.46 83.04 76.60
2005 74.22 74.48 72.20 74.24 74.11 73.38 81.49 82.19 76.10 81.97 82.65 76.64
2006 76.92 76.76 78.15 77.19 76.76 79.57 83.74 83.81 83.19 84.51 84.68 83.83
2007 77.54 77.61 77.07 77.03 76.74 77.30 85.14 85.36 83.76 85.79 86.16 83.13
2008 79.59 79.31 81.48 79.63 78.99 82.34 85.63 85.75 84.88 86.87 86.99 85.69
2009 81.33 81.04 83.16 81.07 80.74 82.92 87.34 87.27 87.82 88.69 88.81 88.09
2010 81.75 81.81 81.35 81.45 81.63 80.32 86.94 86.69 88.65 88.15 87.94 89.61
2011 81.37 81.62 79.56 81.14 81.70 77.41 85.95 86.23 83.92 87.04 87.57 83.33
2012 81.82 81.98 80.87 82.11 82.62 79.06 86.59 86.85 85.00 87.92 88.44 84.59
2013 81.80 82.06 80.24 83.16 83.76 79.44 85.51 85.65 84.68 87.56 87.90 85.49
2014 80.16 80.62 77.82 81.67 82.46 77.13 84.48 84.66 83.54 86.71 87.03 85.01
Δ 1.51* 1.57* 1.22* 1.35* 1.49* 0.74* 1.17* 1.19* 1.15* 1.12* 1.17* 0.94*