Figure 2. TAA secrete Shh.
A and B, Sagittal sections from wild type cerebella at P4 (A) and Ptch1+/− MB (B) were examined for Shh mRNA expression by in situ hybridization. Note that Shh mRNA was found in the purkinje cell layer of the wild type cerebellum (A) and MB tissue (B). P, Purkinje cell layer; T, tumor tissue; A, adjacent normal cerebellum. The dotted line in A indicates the molecular layer of wild type cerebellum. C, Expression of Shh mRNA in MB cells and TAA was examined by q-PCR. D, Concentrations of Shh ligand in conditioned culture media collected from control (naïve culture medium), MB cell culture, or TAA culture, were measured by an ELISA kit. E, Relative luciferase level (RLU) in Shh-light II cells cultured with recombinant Shh or TAA conditioned culture medium (TAA-CM) for 2 days. The values in figure C, D and E are the means ± SEM from three independent experiments. Scale bar, 20 µm.