Fig. 3. Protein Changes Induced by Mechanical Stretch-injury to Neurons Cultured on BrainPhys®/SM1+Matrigel Silastic Membranes.
Day in vitro (DIV) 9 cortical neurons were given a 38% or 54% biaxial stretch, and cell culture media plus protein extracts were harvested 24h later (n=3/group). (a) LDH levels were significantly higher in cultures given a 54% stretch-injury versus uninjured controls, or those given a 38% stretch-injury. (b) Western blots show the effect of mechanical stretch on NF-L, Tau, α-Tubulin, and GAPDH levels at 24h post-injury. (c–e) Densitometric analysis of NF-L, α-Tubulin, and GAPDH, respectively (n=3/group). Data were anlayzed by 1-WAY-ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls post-hoc. Data were significant at p<.05. Graphs show mean +SEM. (*) = p<.05 versus uninjured control; (**) = p>.001 versus uninjured control.