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. 2018 Jan 8;18:19. doi: 10.1186/s12884-017-1654-4

Table 1.

The diagnostic criteria using the 75-g 2-h OGTT in Japan

GDM Postpartum diabetes
Diagnostic criteria JSOG criteria [2] IADPSG criteria [1] WHO criteria [3]
Glucose load 75 g 75 g 75 g
Time of the diagnosis Until June 2010 From June 2010
Fasting PG ≥100 mg/dl ≥92 mg/dl ≥126
1-h PG ≥180 mg/dl ≥180 mg/dl N/A
2-h PG ≥150 mg/dl ≥153 mg/dl ≥200
Required to diagnose GDM Two or more abnormal values One abnormal value or more One abnormal value or more

OGTT oral glucose tolerance test, GDM gestational diabetes, JSOG Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, IADPSG Internal Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group, WHO World Health Organization, PG plasma glucose, N/A, not addressed