Dark blue indicates no pumping, and red indicates six pumps/s as shown on the upper right. Each row indicates one trial. The time courses of the modulation of pumping in WT (N2), unc-7(e5) mutant, unc-31(e928) mutant, and unc-31;unc-7 double mutant animals are shown. unc-31;unc-7 double mutant animals continued pumping throughout the 1 min period of illumination. WT animals, in which the I1 neurons were ablated, exhibited a similar pattern of modulation to that in unc-7 mutants. The pumping rate in unc-31 animals in which the I1 neurons were ablated did not decrease during illumination, and was similar to that in unc-31;unc-7 double mutants. WT (N2): n = 3 worms, 17 trials; unc-7: n = 3 worms, 14 trials; unc-31: n = 3 worms, 15 trials; unc-31;unc-7: n = 3 worms, 15 trials; WT (N2), I1 ablation: n = 4 worms, 19 trials; unc-31, I1 ablation: n = 5 worms, 23 trials. (B) Relative pumping rate during the 10 s period after illumination was started as calculated from the data shown in (A). The pumping rate during the 10 s period immediately before illumination with green light was used for normalization. The statistical significances of the difference among strains were determined by the Mann-Whitney U test (*:p < 0.05; †: p < 0.1). (C) Relative pumping rate during the 10 s period immediately before illumination was stopped as calculated from the data shown in (A). The pumping rate during the 10 s period immediately before illumination was set as the standard. The statistical significances of the difference among strains were determined by the Mann-Whitney U test. (*:p < 0.05; †: p < 0.1).