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. 2018 Jan 11;3(12):e00493. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00493

Table 4.

Relative root elongation (%) of different vegetable crops in extracts of different chicken manures collected from the central Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Manure collection sites Bioassay crop
Tomato Radish Carrot Onion
Loyidi 77.4bc 60.3cd 107.5a 105a
Sompondo 86.9bc 49.4d 100.2a 86.6ab
Sheshegu 98.3ab 28.4e 96.8a 62.9b
Majwareni 121.4a 77.0abc 105.2a 100.8a
Jojozi 48.4d 63.5bcd 90.2ab 90.8ab
Joji 44.9d 60.3cd 64.1bc 58.7b
Blackplass 87.1bc 91.1a 61.6c 113.9a
Jonini 78.5bc 81.0ab 56.9c 82.1ab
Tyhali 46.2d 54.6d 58.8c 56b
Fort hare 65.8cd 65.2bcd 50.5c 79.5ab

Means within the same column of each site manure followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test.