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. 2018 Jan 9;8:133. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18488-3

Table 6.

Correlation between disease incidence and hot spa-bathing conditions in men.

Men Cancer IHD Arrhythmia HT Apoplexy Gout Br Asthm DM HL Renal Dis Depression Chr Hep Coll Dis Allergy
Men Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr Life 1 yr
1/W–M +
2–3/W + +
4–5/W + +
<10 m + +
10–19 +
20–29 + + +
≥30 m
<10 yr + +
10–19 +
30–39 + + + +
≥40 yr + +
Before 9
9–12 +
13–18 + +
Simple + +
Chloride + +

(+) Indicates that the disease incidence was higher in hot spa bathers than in non-hot spa bathers. (−) Indicates that the disease incidence was lower in hot spa bathers than in non-hot spa bathers.

IHD; Ischemic heart disease, HT; hypertension, Br Asthm; Bronchial asthma, DM; Diabetes Mellitus, HL; Hyperlipidemia, Renal Dis; Renal disease, Chr Hep; Chronic Hepatitis, Collagen Dis; Collagen Disease. Ur Bladder; Urinary Bladder, Leuk/Lym; Leukemia/Lymphoma.