Figure 7.
Fe2+ efflux from rat kidney cortex mitochondria is strongly reduced by an inward-directed proton gradient. PGSK-loaded mitochondria (pH 7.0i) from rKC were suspended in pH 6.2o, 7.0o, or 7.6o assay buffers and immediately assayed for quenching induced by 4 µM Fe2+. (A) Representative traces of the fluorescence time course are shown. Fluorescence data were normalized to the respective initial value of the second phase. (B) Statistical analyses of second phase PGSK quenching. Initial slopes of quenching, as indicated by the 20s-scale bar in (A), are plotted for pH6.2 and pH7.6, and represent means ± SE of 10–11 measurements in 3 independent experiments. ***P < 0.001. RFU, relative fluorescence units.