CRH has no effect on the firing rate of GnRH neurons from OVX mice. (A–C) Representative raw data from extracellular recordings of GnRH neurons during each period for (A) 30 nM, (B) 100 nM, and (C) 1000 nM. (D) Firing rate of individual GnRH neurons during control (C), CRH treatment (CRH30, CRH100, or CRH1000), and wash out (W) periods. Green and red lines indicate cells with ≥30% increase or decrease in firing frequency during treatment, respectively. (E) Mean ± SEM percentage of control firing frequency. No differences were detected for either firing frequency [P > 0.5, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA/Tukey (30, 100 nM) or paired Student t test (1000 nM)], or percentage of control frequency (P > 0.1, Friedman test/Dunn post hoc or paired Student t test).