Figure 3.
ZIG/VTI11-dependent vacuole morphology contributes to inner polar nuclear position. A to C, Nuclear position in trichoblasts of aldehyde-fixed 5-d-old seedling roots. A, Wild-type Col-0. B, zig-1. C, proVTI11:GFP-VTI11/zig-1 (GFP-VTI11;zig-1) rescue line. Nuclei, DAPI (cyan) overlaid with a bright-field image. Dotted lines show inner lateral cell walls of trichoblasts. Asterisks indicate mispositioned nuclei. Arrowheads show basal and apical ends of cells. Bars = 20 µm. D and E, Quantitative analysis of nuclear position. D, Col-0 versus zig-1. E, Col-0 versus GFP-VTI11/zig-1. Distributions of nuclear position are plotted; n = 150 cells per genotype. *, P < 0.05. Exact P values from a nonparametric, two-sample KS test are shown in Supplemental Table S1.