Modification of the RNA3 sequence in the original BMV silencing vector. Portions of the transcribed plasmid sequences in pC13/F3-13m (plasmid containing BMV RNA3 from the original virus vector, BMVF13m) and pC13/F3CP5, pC13/F3CP14, or pC13/F3CP19 (plasmids containing BMV RNA3 from the modified virus vector BMVCP5, BMVCP14, or BMVCP19) proximal to the NcoI and AvrII cloning sites are shown. Nucleotide substitutions (black and boldface uppercase letters) in the sequence representing RNA3 from the modified plasmids pC13/F3CP5, pC13/F3CP14, and pC13/F3CP19 are shown. The sequence of the original RNA3 in pC13/F3-13m is shown for comparison (bottom). Lowercase letters represent the two cloning sites. Underlined uppercase letters are two nonviral nucleotides between the CP ORF and the NcoI restriction site in pC13/F3-13m. Nucleotide substitutions are shown in context with the full BMV genome (RNA1, RNA2, and RNA3). Within the genome schematic, lines represent untranslated regions and rectangular boxes represent ORFs. 1a and 2a, Proteins associated with virus accumulation; MP, movement protein; CP, coat protein. Cloverleaf shapes show the approximate location of the tRNA-like structure.