Schematic of the in-lab videogame setup. The Kinect camera connected to the computer via a USB cord. The Wii balance board connected to the computer via Bluetooth. Participants trained one-at-a-time on the six poses shown. There were three two-footed poses (Standing Side Bend [gray], Energy Ball [red], and Hug the Tree [brown]), and there were three one-footed poses (Tree [green], Karate Kid [orange], and Arm to Knee [blue]). For the one-footed poses, participants completed the pose with the right and left feet separately Using the software designed in Adobe Air, participants saw themselves on the screen with joint dots projected onto their image. Joint dots were yellow when within the shadow but red when outside the shadow. When all joint dots were within the shadow, the background would slowly come into view with each passing second that the participant held the pose correctly. The force data from the Wii balance board and the Kinect camera joint data were synchronized and output to a .csv file.