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. 2018 Jan 11;13(1):e0186582. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186582

Table 1. Characteristics of studies (n = 31).

Author, year Sample Size Diabetes Age Dietary Component Dietary Assessment DR outcome Method of Diagnosing DR DR Classification Quality
Interventional Studies (n = 3)
Houtsmuller, 1979 96 Any Diabetes n.a. Saturated Fat vs Unsaturated Fat n.a. Progression & incidence Fundus Photography None, NPDR, PDR, PRP High Bias
Howard-Williams, 1985 149 Any diabetes <66 Saturated Fat vs Unsaturated Fat n.a. Incidence Ophthalmologist Examination None, Retinopathy High Bias
Diaz-Lopez, 2015 3614 T2DM 55–80 Med Diet n.a. Incidence Ophthalmologist Examination None, NPDR, PDR Moderate Bias
Prospective Studies (n = 9)
Young, 1984 296 Any Diabetes 20–59 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Incidence Direct Ophthalmoscopy Modified ETDRS 8
Moss, 1993 Young: 439
Older: 478
Any Diabetes 21–94 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Incidence & progression Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 9
Roy, 2010 469 T1DM NR* MUFA, PUFA, Oleic Acid, Protein, Dietary Fibre, carbohydrates, sodium, high caloric Validated FFQ Progression & Incidence Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 9
Cundiff, 2005 1412 T1DM 13–39 MUFA, PUFA, Carbohydrates, Protein, Dietary Fibre, Sodium, Alcohol, High Calories Dietary History Interview Progression Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 8
Lee, 2010 1239 T2DM 55–81 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Progression Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 9
Tanaka, 2013 978 T2DM 40–70 Fruit & vegetables, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotenoids Validated FFQ + 24 Hr Dietary Recall Incidence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 10
Horikawa, 2014 978 T2DM 40–70 Sodium Validated FFQ Progression& incidence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 10
Horikawa, 2017 978 T2DM 40–70 Carbohydrates Validated FFQ Progression & Incidence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 10
Sala-Vila, 2016 3482 T2DM 55–80 PUFA (LCw3) & Oily Fish Validated FFQ Incidence Clinical and Hospital Records None, NPDR, PDR 9
Case-Control Studies (n = 4)
Giuffre, 2004 Cse = 45
Ctr: 87
Any Diabetes >40 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Prevalence Direct Opthalmoscopy + Fundus Photography ETDRS 7
Ma, 2014 Cse: 100
Ctr: 100
T2DM >18 Green Tea Questionnaire on tea consumption Prevalence Fundus Photography ETDRS 8
Alcubierre, 2015 Cse: 139
Ctr: 144
T2DM NR Vitamin D, calcium Validated FFQ Prevalence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 8
Alcubierre, 2016 Cse: 146
Ctr: 148
T2DM 40–75 MUFA, PUFA, Oleic Acid, Carbohydrates, Protein, Dietary Fibre, Validated FFQ Prevalence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 10
Cross-Sectional Studies (n = 15)
Roy, 1989 34 Any Diabetes NR MUFA, PUFA, Carbohydrates, Protein, Dietary Fibre 3-d Food Record Prevalence Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House Classification 5
Moss, 1992 Young: 891
Older: 987
Any Diabetes 2–96 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Prevalence Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House 9
Mayer-Davis, 1998 387 T2DM 20–74 Vitamin C, E & Beta-Carotene 24 Hr Dietary Recall Prevalence Dilated Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House Criteria 9
Millen, 2004 1353 Any Diabetes 45–65 Vitamin C & E Validated FFQ Prevalence Non-Dilated Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House 8
Beulens, 2008 1857 T1DM 15–60 Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Prevalence Dilated Fundus Photography None, background, proliferative 10
Ganesan, 2012 1261 Any Diabetes >40 Dietary Fibre Validated Fibre Questionnaire Prevalence Dilated Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 10
Harjutsalo, 2013 3608 T1DM NR Alcohol Self Report in general questionnaire Prevalence History of Laser Photocoagulation Severe DR Vs None 8
Lugo-Radillo, 2013 88 Any Diabetes NR Fruit & Vegetables Oral Questionnaire on F&V Consumption Prevalence Ophthalmologist Examination International Classification System 5
Mahoney, 2014 155 Any Diabetes >40 Fruit & Vegetables Validated FFQ Prevalence Undilated Fundus Photography ETDRS 8
Engelen, 2014 1880 T1DM 15–60 Sodium Estimated from Urinary Sodium Excretion Prevalence Fundus Photography None, NPDR, PDR 7
Kumari, 2014 353 Any Diabetes 21–95 Coffee Questionnaire on coffee consumption Prevalence Dilated Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House Classification 8
Sasaki, 2015 379 Any Diabetes >18 Vitamin C, E, B-Carotene, MUFA, PUFA, carbohydrates, protein Validated FFQ Prevalence Fundus Photography Modified ETDRS 8
Fenwick, 2015 395 T2DM >18 Alcohol Validated FFQ Prevalence Undilated Fundus Photography ETDRS 10
Millen, 2016 1305 Any Diabetes 45–65 Vitamin D, Fish, Milk Validated FFQ Prevalence Fundus Photography Modified Airlie House 9
Sahli, 2016 1430 Any Diabetes 45–65 Carotenoids (Lutein) Validated FFQ Prevalence Non-Dilated Fundus Photography ETDRS 9