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. 2018 Jan 11;13(1):e0190915. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190915

Table 2. PlantLIBRA Italian PFS consumer survey—heath-related lifestyle sample characteristics.

Overall and by city.

Characteristic All countries Italy Milan Venice Rome Catania
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Self-reported health status
    Very good 353 15.0 22 5.8 1 1.0 2 2.2 10 10.4 9 9.4
    Good 1427 60.5 243 64.3 68 70.8 62 68.9 54 56.3 59 61.5
    Neither bad nor good 496 21.0 111 29.4 27 28.1 26 28.9 32 33.3 26 27.1
    Bad 70 3.0 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.1
    Very bad 13 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2) 69 2.9 12 3.2 3 3.1 2 2.2 5 5.2 2 2.1
    Normal weight (18.5–25.0 kg/m2) 1116 47.3 246 65.1 63 65.6 55 61.1 66 68.8 62 64.6
    Overweight (25.0–30.0 kg/m2) 818 34.7 98 25.9 25 26.0 25 27.8 21 21.9 27 28.1
    Obesity (>30.0 kg/m2) 356 15.1 22 5.8 5 5.2 8 8.9 4 4.2 5 5.2
Physical activityb,c
    Low 436 18.5 141 37.3 46 47.9 47 52.2 24 25.0 24 25.0
    Moderate 909 38.6 191 50.5 38 39.6 36 40.0 65 67.7 52 54.2
    High 1012 42.9 45 11.9 12 12.5 6 6.7 7 7.3 20 20.8
Smoking habit
    Never smoker 1100 46.6 181 47.9 52 54.2 44 48.9 36 37.5 49 51.0
    Former smoker 544 23.1 85 22.5 16 16.7 13 14.4 33 34.4 22 22.9
    Smoker 715 30.3 112 29.6 28 29.2 33 36.7 27 28.1 25 26.0
Alcohol consumption
    < 1 time/day 1398 59.3 116 30.7 17 17.7 35 38.9 30 31.2 35 36.5
    ≥ 1 time/day 296 12.6 156 41.3 51 53.1 40 44.4 36 37.5 28 29.2
    Uncertain 665 26.0 106 28.0 28 29.2 15 16.7 30 31.2 33 34.4
Regular use of food supplements (excluding PFS)
    Yes 767 32.5 63 16.7 15 15.6 16 17.8 25 26.0 19 19.8
    No 1536 65.1 311 82.3 80 83.3 72 80.0 70 72.9 77 80.2
    Uncertain 56 2.4 4 1.1 1 1.0 2 2.2 1 1.1 0 0
CAMd Usage
    Yes 947 40.1 96 25.4 25 26.0 24 26.6 21 21.8 26 27.0
    No 1412 59.9 282 74.6 71 73.9 66 73.3 75 78.1 70 72.9
Total sample n = 2359 n = 378 n = 96 n = 90 n = 96 n = 96

aBMI = Body Mass Index: weight (kg)/heigh (m2)

bTwo consumers, one from Germany and one from Italy/Venise, did not reply to this question

cIPAQ categories [8]

dCAM = Complementary and Alternative Medicine (acupunture, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.)