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. 2018 Jan 11;13(1):e0191097. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191097

Table 4. Intra-tester reliability results for the strength measurements, with the left side of the table representing the results when the absolute maximum was used and the right side of the table representing the results when an average of three trials was used.

F-values are printed in bold in case of a systematic error.

Absolute maximal value Averaged value
Intra-tester F-ratio
ICC2,1 CI 95%
upper Tester 1
Tester 2
% SEM % MDD F-ratio ICC2,1 CI 95%
upper Tester 1
Tester 2
Force (N)
Knee extension 0.060 0.847 0.494 0.960 237.870 235.008 11.050 30.628 0.001 0.822 0.423 0.953 223.062 223.483 11.480 31.822
Knee flexion 8.242 0.895 0.418 0.976 139.827 157.065 9.045 25.071 5.942 0.911 0.572 0.979 129.907 144.419 9.705 26.901
Dorsiflexion 1.447 0.429 -0.181 0.815 136.479 124.945 16.401 45.461 1.529 0.466 -0.134 0.830 128.949 117.758 16.406 45.475
Plantar flexion 1.098 0.690 0.182 0.911 276.963 306.767 21.786 60.387 2.722 0.715 0.234 0.919 230.362 265.125 19.018 52.715
Normalized force (N/kg)
Knee extension 0.017 0.768 0.290 0.938 7.677 7.625 11.536 31.975 0.034 0.746 0.241 0.931 7.206 7.278 12.069 33.453
Knee flexion 8.932 0.764 0.117 0.942 4.428 4.990 8.935 24.766 7.540 0.837 0.294 0.961 4.108 4.572 8.714 24.153
Dorsiflexion 1.849 0.139 -0.427 0.669 4.453 4.033 16.243 45.024 2.005 0.223 -0.350 0.713 4.208 3.799 16.169 44.817
Plantar flexion 1.030 0.620 0.059 0.888 8.928 9.797 20.442 56.662 2.537 0.669 0.160 0.904 7.461 8.493 18.171 50.367
Torque (Nm)
Knee extension 0.104 0.903 0.660 0.975 56.471 55.598 10.820 29.992 0.003 0.887 0.606 0.971 52.889 52.747 11.189 31.013
Knee flexion 7.710 0.934 0.593 0.985 33.646 37.639 9.023 25.011 5.330 0.939 0.702 0.986 31.288 34.706 10.034 27.814
Dorsiflexion 1.463 0.681 0.175 0.908 11.499 10.539 16.108 44.648 1.531 0.693 0.198 0.912 10.874 9.938 16.243 45.024
Plantar flexion 0.973 0.763 0.325 0.934 23.634 26.023 21.817 60.473 2.546 0.779 0.356 0.939 19.598 22.430 18.891 52.364
Normalized torque (Nm/kg)
Knee extension 0.045 0.806 0.385 0.948 1.802 1.782 11.300 31.321 0.008 0.775 0.305 0.940 1.689 1.697 11.812 32.740
Knee flexion 8.706 0.872 0.332 0.971 1.053 1.182 8.948 24.804 6.722 0.900 0.503 0.977 0.978 1.086 9.194 25.486
Dorsiflexion 1.896 0.399 -0.193 0.800 0.372 0.337 15.456 42.841 2.006 0.450 -0.134 0.821 0.352 0.318 16.369 45.374
Plantar flexion 0.918 0.695 0.187 0.913 0.755 0.824 20.425 56.616 2.414 0.725 0.255 0.922 0.629 0.713 17.639 48.892

Abbreviations in alphabetic order: CI = confidence interval; ICC = intra-class correlation coefficient; % MDD = minimal detectable difference as a percentage of the overall mean; N = Newton; N/kg: Newtons per kilogram bodyweight; Nm = newton meter; Nm/kg = newton meter per kilogram bodyweight; % SEM = standard error of measurement as a percentage of the overall mean.