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. 2018 Jan 11;13(1):e0191097. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191097

Table 5. Intertester reliability results for the strength measurements, with the left side of the table representing the results when the absolute maximum was used and the right side of the table representing the results when an average of three trials was used.

F-values are printed in bold in case of a systematic error.

Absolute maximal value Averaged value
Intertester F-ratio
ICC2,1 CI 95%
upper Tester 1
Tester 2
% SEM % MDD F-ratio ICC2,1 CI 95%
upper Tester 1
Tester 2
Force (N)
Knee extension 0.053 0.903 0.658 0.975 299.202 302.558 10.832 30.024 0.414 0.915 0.707 0.978 272.975 281.489 10.670 29.574
Knee flexion 8.130 0.845 0.288 0.963 149.132 177.919 13.805 38.266 6.611 0.860 0.388 0.966 137.667 162.349 14.309 39.663
Dorsiflexion 0.257 0.890 0.624 0.971 166.100 171.480 14.051 38.949 0.231 0.909 0.683 0.977 152.368 156.337 12.462 34.542
Plantar flexion 19.994 0.830 -0.005 0.965 348.567 436.446 11.196 31.034 45.478 0.870 -0.037 0.977 311.228 391.395 7.566 20.973
Normalized force (N/kg)
Knee extension 0.008 -0.002 -0.717 0.626 8.106 8.143 11.434 31.693 0.131 0.186 -0.548 0.720 7.374 7.509 11.204 31.055
Knee flexion 8.134 0.547 -0.055 0.861 3.936 4.736 14.458 40.076 7.351 0.582 -0.021 0.877 3.600 4.289 14.452 40.058
Dorsiflexion 0.314 0.455 -0.231 0.832 4.399 4.552 13.555 37.571 0.155 0.559 -0.099 0.870 4.059 4.143 11.644 32.274
Plantar flexion 17.095 0.504 -0.117 0.855 9.161 11.682 13.094 36.294 26.504 0.543 -0.708 0.879 8.030 10.461 11.421 31.658
Torque (Nm)
Knee extension 0.074 0.947 0.804 0.987 73.855 74.826 10.699 29.655 0.516 0.951 0.822 0.987 67.479 69.845 10.717 29.707
Knee flexion 7.705 0.892 0.433 0.975 37.075 44.147 14.026 38.877 6.139 0.901 0.531 0.977 34.332 40.375 14.601 40.471
Dorsiflexion 0.233 0.925 0.732 0.981 13.380 13.802 14.371 39.835 0.208 0.937 0.772 0.984 12.252 12.582 12.941 35.870
Plantar flexion 18.173 0.878 0.082 0.976 28.077 35.069 11.616 32.199 44.686 0.913 -0.008 0.985 25.221 31.453 7.355 20.387
Normalized torque (Nm/kg)
Knee extension 0.007 0.220 -0.531 0.738 1.943 1.951 11.252 31.189 0.163 0.483 -0.209 0.844 1.769 1.805 10.908 30.235
Knee flexion 8.091 0.647 0.015 0.903 0.952 1.141 14.174 39.289 7.107 0.682 0.072 0.914 0.873 1.036 14.057 38.964
Dorsiflexion 0.367 0.605 -0.004 0.885 0.345 0.356 12.758 35.363 0.298 0.686 0.137 0.912 0.318 0.324 9.856 27.319
Plantar flexion 18.155 0.546 -0.111 0.875 0.717 0.912 12.875 35.688 29.301 0.604 -0.099 0.904 0.632 0.817 10.693 29.640

Abbreviations in alphabetic order: CI = confidence interval; ICC = intra-class correlation coefficient; % MDD = minimal detectable difference as a percentage of the overall mean; N = Newton; N/kg: Newtons per kilogram bodyweight; Nm = newton meter; Nm/kg = newton meter per kilogram bodyweight; % SEM = standard error of measurement as a percentage of the overall mean.