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. 2018 Jan 12;8:694. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-19109-9

Table 1.

Clinical revision of FOXP1 patients.

Symptoms Palumbo 2013 Le Fevre 2013 Srivastava 2014 Song 2015 Lozano 2015 Blanco-Sánchez 2015 Sollis 2016 Current Patient Total
De novo mutation + 9/9 + + + + 3/3 + 18/18
Low birthweight 0/2 nd + nd nd nd + 2/5
FTT or small for age 1/5 nd nd nd nd + 2/8
Obesity 2/5 nd nd nd nd 2/8
Prominent forehead + 4/7 nd + + 2/3 +(1) 10/15
Macrocephaly nd + nd + 1/3 mild 4/8
Hypertelorism nd nd nd nd 2/3 + 3/6
Down slanted palpebral fissures + 3/7 nd + + 1/3 + 8/15
Short nose with broad tip nd 4/7 nd + + 2/3 + 9/14
Frontal hair upsweep nd 2/7 nd + + nd 4/11
Prominent digit pads nd 2/7 nd nd nd nd 2/9
Single palmar creases nd 1/7 nd nd nd nd 1/9
Clinodactyly nd 1/7 nd nd nd nd + 2/9
Congenital anomalies(2) nd 3/8 nd + nd nd nd + 5/10
Global delay + 9/9 nd + + + 3/3 + 17/17
Regression nd 1/2 nd - nd nd nd 1/4
Intellectual delay + 8/8 + + + + 3/3 + 17/17
Motor delay + 8/8 nd + + + 3/3 + 16/16
Speech and language delay + 9/9 nd + + + 3/3 + 17/17
Expressive language more severely affected than receptive language nd 7/7 nd + + + nd + 11/11
Articulation problems + 5/5 nd + nd 3/3 + 11/12
Poor grammar nd 4/4 nd + nd nd + 6/7
ASD/PDD-NOS + 3/4 nd + nd 3/3 + 9/11
Autism + 2/4 nd + nd 0/3 4/11
Behavioral problems + 4/5 nd + nd 3/3 + 10/12
ADHD and/or sensory processing disorders + nd nd + nd 2/3 + 5/7
Hypertonia nd 1/2(3) nd nd 0/3 + 2/8
Hypotonia + 1/2(3) + nd + nd 3/3 7/9
Reflexes nd 1/2 nd nd nd nd + 2/4
Seizures nd 2/6 nd nd nd nd 2/8

FTT: Failure to Thrive; ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorders; PDD-NOS: Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified; ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; nd = no data. (1)The patient presented with trigonocephaly. (2)Including: contractures, spina bifida, Chiari 1 malformation, jejunal and ileal atresia, bilateral inguinal hernia25, bilateral cryptorchidism, horseshoe kidney (current patient) and hyperextension of the joins26. (3)One patient in Carr et al.21 presented with decreased axial tone and increased peripheral tone.