Figure 3.
Distribution of the significantly enriched terms/pathways using genes associated to the milk nitrogen fractions. The SNP (P < 0.05) were assigned to genes if they were located within the gene or in a flanking region of 15 kb up- and downstream of the gene using the biomaRt R package. For mapping, the Ensembl Bos taurus UMD3.1 assembly was used as reference. Gene-set enrichment analysis was carried out using the goseq R package. Only the traits showing significantly enriched terms are reported (q < 0.05). (a) GO terms; (b) KEGG-pathways. β-CN: β-casein; CN: Σcaseins (β-CN+ κ-CN+ αS1-CN+ αS1phosphorylated-CN+ αS2-CN+ αS1 (phosphorylated)/αS1-CN); Nmin: minor nitrogen compounds; aS1-CN: αS1-casein; aS1P-CN: αS1(phosphorylated)-casein; κ-CN: κ-casein.