Subject area |
Environmental sciences, forestry. |
More specific subject area |
Natural hazards |
Type of data |
Maps (×4) |
How data was acquired |
Fire simulation modeling and a geospatial analysis with a geographic information system (GIS). |
Data format |
Raster grids at 40 m resolution (.tif). |
Experimental factors |
Extreme fire weather conditions in terms of fuel moisture content and wind speed for the wildfire season dominant scenario (southern wind) were considered to model wildfire spread and behavior. |
We only considered residential houses within the study area for the transmission analysis, excluding industrial areas, farms and any other structures. |
Modeling output fire perimeters < 100 ha were excluded from the transmission analysis. |
Experimental features |
We used FlamMap for wildfire spread and behavior modeling (Finney 2006) and geographic information system software to conduct the transmission and geospatial analysis (ArcMap version 10.1). ArcFuels was used to create ensemble landscape input data for fire modeling (Ager et al., 2011), and the Fire Family Plus program was used to process weather data (Bradshaw and McCormick, 2000). |
Data source location |
All the landscape file fire modeling input data (topography, surface fuels and canopy metrics) corresponded to the Bages County in central Catalonia (northeastern Spain) plus a 6 km buffer. |
We used hourly meteorological data (1998 to 2016 records) from the Castellnou de Bages automatic weather station (U4 station reference, Longitude 1.832°N and Latitude 41.842°E) to characterize the fire weather modeling scenario. |
Data accessibility |
The repository of the University of Lleida (URL):
Related research article |
Alcasena FJ, Ager AA, Salis M, Day MA, Vega-Garcia C. Otimizing prescribed fire allocation for managing fire risk in central Catalonia. Sci Total Environ. 2018 4:872-885. |