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. 2018 Jan 4;22(1):35–49.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2017.11.001

Rat anti Sca1 (177228) R&D systems Cat #: BAM1226, RRID:AB_2070040
Rabbit anti Anxa1 Invitrogen Cat #: PA5-27315, RRID:AB_2544791
Mouse anti E-cadherin (36/E-cadherin) BD Transduction Laboratory Cat #: 610181, RRID:AB_397580
Rat anti E-cadherin (ECCD-2) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat #: 13-1900, RRID: AB_86571
Rat anti b1 integrin (MB1.2) Millipore Cat #: MAB1997, RRID: AB_2128202
Rabbit anti FAK Millipore Cat #: 06-543, RRID: AB_310162
Rabbit anti pSrc (Tyr416) Cell Signaling Technology Cat #: 2101, RRID: AB_331697
Rabbit anti YAP Cell Signaling Technology Cat #: 4912, RRID:AB_2218911
Rabbit anti Lysozyme (EC. Dako Cat #: A0099, RRID:AB_2341230
Rabbit anti Ki67 Abcam Cat #: ab15580, RRID: AB_443209
Rabbit anti MUC2 (H-300) Santa Cruz Cat #: sc-15334, RRID: AB_2146667
Rabbit anti Carbonic Anhydrase II (H-70) Santa Cruz Cat #: sc-25596, RRID: AB_2065996
Goat anti Lrig1 R&D systems Cat #: AF3688, RRID: AB_2138836
Rabbit anti EpCAM B.N.G. Giepmans Schnell et al., 2013
Rat anti Reg3b antibody R&D systems Cat #: MAB5110, RRID: AB_2178585
Goat and Trop2 antibody R&D systems Cat #: AF1122, RRID: AB_2205662
Alexa Flour 488 Donkey anti Rat IgG (H+L) Thermo Fisher scientific Cat #: A-21208, RRID: AB_141709
Alexa Flour 555 Donkey anti Rat IgG (H+L) Abcam Ab-150154
Alexa Flour 488 Donkey anti Rabbit IgG (H+L) Thermo Fisher scientific Cat #: A-21206, RRID: AB_141708
Alexa Flour 555 Goat anti Mouse IgG2a (H+L) Thermo Fisher scientific Cat #: A-21137, RRID: AB_2535776
Alexa Flour 488 Donkey anti Goat IgG (H+L) Thermo Fisher scientific Cat #: A-11055, RRID: AB_142672
Anti-Mouse EpCAM APC (G8.8) eBioscience Cat #: 17-5791-80, RRID: AB_1659714
Anti-Mouse CD31 PE-Cyanine7 (390) eBioscience Cat #: 25-0311-81, RRID: AB_469615
PECy7 Rat anti-Mouse CD45 (30-F11) BD PharMingen Cat #: 561868, RRID: AB_10893599
PE/Cy5 anti-mouse Ly6A/E (Sca1) (D7) Biolegend Cat #: 108109, RRID: AB_313346

Biological Samples

Biopsies from human colon Herlev hospital O.H. Nielsen

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS) MP Biomedicals 0216011090
Tamoxifen Sigma T5648
Growth factor reduced Matrigel Corning 356231
Cellmatrix Type I-A Nitta Gelatin 631-00651
human EGF Peprotech AF-100-15
murine Noggin Peprotech 250-38
human Noggin Peprotech 120-10C
mouse R-spondin1 R&D systems 3474-RS
human R-spondin1 Sino 11083-H08H
murine Wnt3a Cell guidance systems GFM77
Bovine Serum Albumin Sigma A9576
Nicotinamide Sigma 72340
Prostaglandin E2 Sigma P5640
Y-27632 dihydrochloride Sigma Y0503
Jagged-1 Anaspec AS-61298
CHIR99021 Stemgent 04-0004
Doxycycline Sigma D9891
C3 toxin (Rho inhibitor I) Cytoskeleton CT04-A
Mevastatin Sigma M2537
Cytochalasin D Sigma C8273
FAK inhibitor (in vitro) Tocris PF573228
Src inhibitor (in vitro) Sigma Dasatinib
FAK inhibitor (in vivo) Selleckchem PND-1186
Src inhibitor (in vivo) Selleckchem Saracatinib
Verteporfin Sigma SML0534
Jagged-1 Anaspec AS-61298
Indomethacin Sigma I7378
Puromycin Sigma P8833
4-hydroxytamoxifen Sigma H6278

Critical Commercial Assays

Lipofectamin 2000 Thermo Fisher Scientific 11668027
Hematoxylin QS Vector H-3404
Eosin Y Solution Aqueous Sigma HT110232
Vector Red Alkaline Phosphatase (Red AP) Substrate Kit Vector SK-5100
Alexa Fluor 647 Phalloidin Molecular Probes A22287
PureLink RNA Micro-scale kit Invitrogen 12183016
Superscript III reverse transcriptase Invitrogen 18080093

Deposited Data

Raw and analyzed data from homeostatic and repairing epithelium This paper E-MTAB-5249
Raw and analyzed data from adult and fetal culture This paper E-MTAB-5246
Raw and analyzed data from Collagen and Matrigel culture This paper E-MTAB-5247

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

Wnt3a-expressing HEK293 cells H. Clevers n/a

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

Rosa26mT/mG A.G. Botton Muzumdar et al., 2007
tetO-YAP S127A F. Camargo Camargo et al., 2007
Yap1fl/fl D.J. Pan Zhang et al., 2010
Villin-CreERT2 S. Robine el Marjou et al., 2004
Tazfl/fl S. Piccolo Azzolin et al., 2014
RAG2−/− Taconic C57BL/6NTac
Rosa26-rtTAM2 Jackson Laboratory Stock No: 006965


sgRNA targeting exon 15 of Apc (GCACTCAAAACGCTTTTGA) B.K. Koo Schwank et al., 2013

Recombinant DNA

Cas9 Schwank et al., 2013 Addgene #41815

Software and Algorithms

NDP.view2 Hamamatsu U12388-01
ImageJ NIH image version 2.0.0-rc-41/1.50d
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Adobe version 13.0.6 x64
Gene set enrichment analysis n/a


Costar 48 Well Clear TC-Treated Multiple Well Plates Corning 3548
Histoacryl Topical Skin Adhesive B.Braun/TissueSeal TS1050071FP
OCT compound CellPath KMA-0100-00A
Disposable microtome blades, S35 Feather 207500000