A, epithelioid hemangioma case L3933. Left panel, gross specimen with polyostotic localization of a hemorrhagic tumor in the 1st and 4th metatarsal bones of the foot (arrows). Right panel, corresponding T1 weighted MR image. B, tumor FOSΔ lacks the C-terminal 95 amino acids (including the C-terminal TAD). IP, immunoprecipitation. C, left panel, Western blot of endogenous FOS proteins in control tonsil and placenta cell lysates compared with epithelioid hemangioma tumor cell lysates. Mutant FOSΔ protein is highlighted with an arrow. Right panel, high FOS expression (arrows) is indicated in the endothelial cells of epithelioid hemangioma tumor blood vessels (*). D, AP-1 heterodimers were immunopurified from cells transfected with the indicated constructs (top panel). Immunofluorescence shows both FOS and FOSΔ localize to the nucleus (middle panel). FOS (and FOSΔ), JUN heterodimers bind to consensus AP-1 DNA-binding sites (bottom panel). E, FOS stability assay on HUVECs stably expressing FOS or FOSΔ. F, protein stability assay on HUVECs stably expressing either GFP or a GFP-FOS fusion (encompassing the C-terminal 95 amino acids of FOS). G, HUVECs expressing the indicated proteins were incubated with or without leptomycin B (LMB) in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX). Left panel, immunofluorescence. Right panel, Western blots.