Figure 4.
Distinguishing amorphous aggregates and amyloid fibrils by direct imaging. A and B, direct turbidimetric (A) and ThT fluorescence (B) photographic images were observed under illumination of white light and LED 445 nm light, respectively. C–F, direct and ThT fluorescence images for the rows at 60 °C after ultrasonic treatment are compared. Dependences on heparin (C) and NaCl (D) were made from plate images (A) and (B). Those on Gdn-HCl (E) and Na2SO4 (F) were made from plate images of Fig. S2. All the solutions contained 0.2 mg/ml HEWL, 5 μm ThT, and 10 mm HCl (pH 2.0). Ultrasonicated samples were taken after the measurements with a fluorometer as shown in Fig. 2. Other samples without ultrasonication were prepared and incubated overnight at 37 or 60 °C.