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. 2018 Jan 12;18:16. doi: 10.1186/s12905-017-0503-y

Table 3.

Median (Md), interquartile range (IQR), mean (M), standard deviation (SD) and p-values of all pre- post-test differences

Variables Dimensions Group
n Md IQR M SD n Md IQR M SD p-value
SSI 27 −3.00 4.50 −2.32 3.76 22 −1.50 3.38 −1.99 3.00 0.58
SII 27 −2.00 3.50 −1.82 2.06 22 0.00 3.00 −0.82 1.94 0.08
RSE 27 0.00 4.50 −0.20 2.99 22 1.00 4.50 0.86 3.32 0.21
I-QOL ALBb 27 9.38 20.31 14.70 17.97 21 12.50 21.88 16.82 20.76 0.47
PSb 27 8.33 16.67 8.58 16.40 22 13.88 19.53 15.55 22.69 0.15
SEb 27 15.00 25.00 15.00 19.36 22 22.50 27.50 23.86 24.39 0.10
Totala 27 12.50 21.59 12.23 15.89 21 15.91 18.24 17.96 21.10 0.18
ICIQ-UI sf. 22 −3.00 3.75 −3.27 2.57 17 −3.00 5.00 −3.06 4.13 0.51
ICIQ-LUTSqol Role limitations 27 −16.67 25.00 −15.43 23.99 22 −16.67 16.67 −21.97 22.65 0.098
Physical limitations 27 0.00 33.33 −12.96 25.04 22 −16.67 33.33 −14.39 29.23 0.83
Social limitations 27 0.00 16.67 −9.47 28.86 22 −13.89 33.33 −18.69 25.11 0.13
Personal relationships 19 0.00 8.33 −8.77 26.86 19 −16.67 25.00 −14.91 39.24 0.16
Emotions 27 −11.11 22.22 −8.64 23.33 22 −11.11 27.78 −10.61 24.36 0.91
Sleep/energy 27 −16.67 33.33 −9.88 23.23 22 −8.33 16.67 −6.06 19.62 0.74
Severity measures 27 −8.33 16.67 −6.48 16.23 22 −8.33 16.67 −10.61 16.50 0.28
Overall scorec 27 −9.26 11.35 −10.76 16.85 22 −10.87 17.25 −13.38 17.80 0.44

Note: All group comparisons were made using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. For the I-QOL totala, higher scores indicate greater quality of life, whereas for its subscalesb, higher scores indicate less ALB, PS and SE. For the ICIQ-LUTSqol overall scorec, higher scores denote increased impact on quality of life

BMI Body Mass Index, SSI Symptom Severity Index, SII Symptom Impact Index, I-QOL Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire, ALB Avoidance and Limiting Behaviour, PS Psychosocial Impacts, SE Social Embarrassment; ICIQ-UI sf. Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire - Urinary incontinence short form, ICIQ-LUTSqol Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire – Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Quality of Life