Table 2.
Breeds | JJ (n = 6) | SJ (n = 6) |
Initial body weight (10 months of age) (kg) | 269±4.73B | 286±4.54A |
Live weight at slaughter (kg) | 611±4.17B | 758±14.26A |
Dry matter intake (DMI, g/d) | 545.50±12.92 | 563.00±20.65 |
Average daily gains (ADG, g/d) | 713.20±13.67B | 982.98±30.14A |
F/G (DMI/ADG) | 0.76±0.027A | 0.60±0.018B |
Longissimus muscle weight (kg) | 6.40±0.16 | 6.50±0.27 |
Hot carcass weight (CW, kg) | 345.3±9.35B | 390.67±3.20A |
Carcass yield1) (%) | 56.49±1.75A | 51.53±1.35B |
Carcass yield = hot carcass weight/live weight×100%.
Values are reported as means±standard error of three replicates.
Means within the same row with no common superscript differ significantly (p<0.05).