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. 2018 Jan 12;14:1176934317742613. doi: 10.1177/1176934317742613

Table 3.

Comparison between the major steps of PHYLUCE, HybPiper, and HybPhyloMaker.

Step PHYLUCE HybPiper HybPhyloMaker
Download from Illumina BaseSpace No No Yes
Input Paired-end Illumina reads Paired-end and single-end Illumina reads Paired-end Illumina reads
Adapter trimming and quality filtering of reads Yes
Illumiprocessor43; pairs with both mates surviving and orphaned reads are used
Adapter trimming and quality filtering of reads need to be performed before using HybPiper; pairs with both mates surviving are used as input for HybPiper
Trimmomatic; pairs with both mates surviving and orphaned reads are used
Duplicate read removal No Yes (Super deduper44) Yes (FastUniq)
Assembly De novo (Velvet; ABySS45; Trinity46) De novo (SPAdes47) Reference-guided (Bowtie 2/BWA; OCOCO/Kindel)
Identification of sequences that match to the targeted sequences Done by matching contigs to the targeted sequences (as nucleotide sequences with LASTZ); after assembly Before assembly: done by matching reads to the targeted sequences (as peptide sequences with BLASTX); as nucleotide sequences with BWA;
After assembly: done by matching contigs to the targeted sequences with exonerate
Done by matching contigs to the targeted sequences (as nucleotide sequences with BLAT); after assembly
Filtering against paralogs Yes
Paralogy is indicated if a targeted locus matches multiple contigs or if a contig matches multiple targeted loci (the respective loci are excluded)
Paralogy is indicated if a targeted locus matches multiple long-length contigs (the respective loci are flagged); separation of putative paralogs possible
Consensus calling after the reference-guided assembly is according to majority; this results in the reconstruction of the most abundant sequence, which is considered to be the ortholog
Particularly suitable for exonic probe sequences No Yes Yes
Extraction of flanking intronic regions No Yes No
Missing data calculation Yes No Yes
Calculation of alignment and gene tree properties No No Yes
Flexible handling of excluding accessions and loci Yes No Yes
Gene tree reconstruction No No Yes (RAxML, FastTree)
Concatenation Yes (ExaBayesa,48; RAxML; ExaMLa) No Yes (FastTree, ExaMLa)
Species tree reconstruction No No Yes (ASTRAL, ASTRID, MRL)
Organellar phylogeny No Yes (from coding sequences)

Input file preparation.