Figure 5. Comparative in vivo toxicities of 5-FU in soluble (IP and SC) versus pellet form.
C57BL/6J mice were treated with indicated treatments on day 7 (indicated with arrow) of study. (A) RBC counts over time and (D) statistical analysis of differences in RBC counts on day 14 (7 days post treatment); (B) lymphocyte counts over time and (E) statistical analysis of differences in lymphocyte counts on day 14 (7 days post treatment); (C) granulocyte counts over time and (F) statistical analysis of differences in granulocyte counts on day 14 (7 days post treatment); and (G) mouse body weights were measured as described in methods section. * designates groups whose counts were statistically different from counts of untreated mice (p < 0.05).