Figure 2. Schematic of 5-FU-loaded PLGA millirods with distinct release kinetics for the purpose of local antiproliferative effects.
Sustained local delivery of 5-FU from PLGA millirods (1 – 1.5 mm diameter), administered intraoperatively, can be designed to have antiproliferative potential for such purposes as the eradication residual tumor cells at the site of tumor resection or, alternatively, for preventing fibrosis during glaucoma treatment. (A) A 5-FU-loaded PLGA millirod (a homogenous mixture) that would generally be expected to release 5-FU with first order kinetics and is more likely to be suitable in situations where minimal time to reaching therapeutic concentrations is desired. (B) A 5-FU-loaded PLGA millirod (green) coated with drug-impermeable PLGA (without 5-FU) (yellow) and having a small hole (~0.7 mm diameter) drilled through the coating from where the 5-FU can diffuse out with zero order kinetics.168 Situations where zero order release kinetics are particularly desired are where it is vital that off-target effects are avoided such as in ocular therapies. This figure is not drawn to scale.